Re: [-empyre-] topology and real "inside" vr

Following up an older thread...

The potential agency of a space certainly does change the relationship between the subject and that space.
This can be seen in the way that the AI of a game adapts to new strategies of the player, the way that game spaces can, in part, be created by the player through the creation of objects, their actions, manipulation of the space etc.

So, the players perception of the virtual world is shifting, the virtual worlds perception of the player is shifting, the players actions are shifting as a result of this relationship, and potentially the virtual world is also adapting its behavior to the new strategies of the player.This could be the feedback that Christina has mentioned.

Potentially, this can go much further in that a new space or virtual world can be generated for each individual player/user - so that every experience of that space is quite literally extremely subjective.


hi genie, alan, troy, saul, roya,  henry et al

re those Lacanians!

me, too. It has been very engrossing to try to imagine
the world of vr from a Lacanian pov  and to situate
myself as an artist (and as a performative site)
inside the world of vr quite literally.  Then to carry
out the logic to its inevitable conclusions and see
where we come to .

 I mean that i am in, i am the vr, the cyborg is a
live subject.  and I/she am nothing, there is
'nothing' there to gaze on.  I /she am/is the user
interface.  I/she feel/s real.  kinaesthesia.

 It's like the Lacanian position defeats itself or at
least ends up just feeding on itself.  Outside that,
'hors serie', is what Stephen Melville calls the place
of jouissance.
 "It is thus that the real is distinguished.  The real
cannot be inscribed except as an impasse of

what's behind or outside the impasse? a landscape, a
topology; a big field...
as Troy wrote to me recently, :" It is not only the
of the space that changes in the mind of the
player/user, but an electronic
space can literally change / mutate / reform / loop
around etc."
 Topology the logic of place meets its end as its
beginning ..
in artifice and affect....?


Again I'd like to argue that there is no
difference between vr and pr
except for ontology -

i agree completely - but try telling this to a lacanian - there are still loads of 'em out there, insisting that his model is workable in analyzing VR.


on 8/10/03 5:55 AM, Alan Sondheim at wrote:

Except perhaps that Bergson's view of vision is
outmoded; from Land and
David Marr on, vision has been shown to be
pro-active - ranging from
retinal processing (Pribram) to saccadic movement
- there is constant
sampling and perceptual reorganization going on.
Vision is no more passive
in the world than touch - in fact, considerably
less so, given the amount
of processing necessary.

I'd argue that vision in this sense is also a
reciprocity, an engagement
with the real that goes far beyond passivity.

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